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Imam Khamenei’s message on occasion of funeral ceremonies for martyrs Nasrallah & Safieddine
Imam Khamenei’s message on the occasion of the funeral and burial ceremonies for martyrs Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sayyid Hashem Safieddine, February 21, 2025

Iran Calls on Western Gov'ts to Stop Ignoring Israeli Crimes Against Palestinians
Iran blasted the international community for keeping mum on Israeli aggressions against Palestinian people, and urged the Western countries to support the Palestinian nation’s rights instead of denying realities about the Zionist regime’s...

How Israel waged judicial war against Palestinian citizens after the May 2021 uprising
One year after Israel's mass arrest campaign, Palestinian citizens of Israel face harsher and even more repressive measures against their protests against Israeli policies.

Saudi woman given 34-year prison sentence for using Twitter
A Saudi student at Leeds University who had returned home to the kingdom for a holiday has been sentenced to 34 years in prison for having a Twitter account and for following and retweeting so called dissidents and activists.

Iran women’s volleyball team into final of 2021 Islamic Solidarity Games
Iran’s women’s volleyball team booked their place in the final match of the 2021 Islamic Solidarity Games on Sunday.

Iran's human rights chief criticizes world silence on Israeli regime's crimes
Iran's Deputy judiciary chief for international affairs and head of Human Rights Headquarters criticized the international community’s silence in the face of Israeli regime's war crimes.

UN official who said Jewish lobby controls social media pressured to apologize
Kothari is an investigator on the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)'s "Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel," which has given an open-ended mandate to investigate...

Mandla Mandela: Our support for the Palestinian struggle is unequivocal
Speaking at an event to celebrate human rights and human dignity on Tuesday, the grandson of Nelson Mandela stressed that their support for the Palestinian struggle is unequivocal.

Children’s rights flagrantly violated in armed conflicts: Iran envoy
Iran's permanent ambassador to the United Nations said that civilians, particularly children, are exposed to gross violation of their rights during armed conflicts.

Militer Rezim Zionis Tangkap 11 Warga Palestina
Militer Rezim Zionis Israel dilaporkan menangkap 11 pemuda Palestina di berbagai wilayah Tepi Barat Sungai Jordan.

On the 9th anniversary of UAE 94 trial, ICFUAE Joins Calls to Free All Those Arbitrary Sentenced after the Grossly Unfair Trial
50 human rights organisations have issued a joint statement calling on western countries allied with the UAE to pressure its authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all those convicted in the mass trial of UAE94 Group members.
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