Publish date: Friday 15 March 2024
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create date : Saturday, March 16, 2024 | 1:21 PM
publish date : Friday, March 15, 2024 | 6:05 PM
update date : Monday, April 8, 2024 | 2:42 PM

Gharibabadi: Governments and policymakers should enact laws and policies supporting the rights of Muslims

  • Gharibabadi: Governments and policymakers should enact laws and policies supporting the rights of Muslims

On the International Day of Combating Islamophobia and during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council, the Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights called on the governments and policymakers to enact laws and policies that support the rights of Muslims and ensure their full participation in society. 

HCHR_The text of his statement is as follows: 

Director General of the United Nations Office in Geneva
Distinguished Participants,

The Islamic Republic of Iran associates itself with the statement delivered by Pakistan on behalf of the OIC;

I would like to thank the OIC Observer Mission in Geneva for organizing this important event to commemorate the first International Day to combat Islamophobia and also wish to thank DG UNOG for her message and support. 

We welcome the adoption of GA Resolution 76/254 “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” on 15 March 2022.

Please allow me to express the Islamic Republic of Iran’s solidarity and empathy with the dire humanitarian situation of the people in the occupied territories of Palestine, especially in Gaza, on this significant day during the holy month of Ramadan. 

Their suffering, stemming from 76 years of occupation by the Israeli regime, calls for urgent action by the international community to bring an end to it. 

The International Day to Combat Islamophibia serves as a crucial reminder of the ongoing struggle against discrimination and prejudice faced by more than billions of Muslim communities worldwide. Established to raise awareness about the alarming rise in Islamophobic incidents, this day aims to foster understanding, promote tolerance, and advocate for the rights of Muslims. 

Islamophobia rooted in ignorance and misinformation, manifests in various forms, from hate speech and violent attacks to institutionalized discrimination. 

Islamophobia has taken various forms over the past three decades, including the destruction of the Muslim image and the incitement of their sentiments through the publication of caricatures, writing derogatory books about Islam and the holy Prophet of Islam, burning the Quran, questioning Islamic values and beliefs, or attempting to impose concepts and phenomena contrary to Islamic value on Islamic societies, presenting an unrealistic image of the true spirit of Islam, and so on. 

All these forms of Islamophobia have their effects on various societies, leading to discrimination and the emergence of violent behaviors towards Muslim communities. 
On this day, communities, organizations and individuals should come together to denounce Islamophobia and its detrimental effects on social cohesion. 

In this context, we believe that the adoption of Human Rights Resolution 16/18 and 53/1, which call upon countries to fully implement measures aimed at promoting mutual respect, understanding, and a culture of peace, represents significant steps taken by the Council. 

The freedom of expression carries certain responsibilities in accordance with international human rights instruments, including the need to avoid spreading hate speech or inciting violence. 

It is important to recognize that Islamophobia or any other actions against Muslim’s symbols is not a legitimate form of expression, but rather a form of prejudice that can cause harm. 

Governments and policy makers are urged to enact laws and policies that protect the rights of Muslims and ensure their full participation in society. 

Additionally, fostering interfaith dialogue and promoting multiculturalism can create environments where all individuals feel valued and included.

I thank you.