Publish date: Sunday 17 February 2019
view count : 75
create date : Sunday, February 17, 2019 | 11:33 AM
publish date : Sunday, February 17, 2019 | 11:33 AM
update date : Sunday, February 17, 2019 | 11:33 AM

WHO lauds Iran for eliminating trachoma

  • WHO lauds Iran for eliminating trachoma

Iran has received the prize for eradicating trachoma (an infectious eye disease) from the World Healthy Organizations, says a member of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

Farzad Mohammadi said on Saturday that Trachoma is an eye disease caused by infection with the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis, which stiffens the internal surface of the eyelids that can lead to pain, especially in cornea or even blindness. 

'It is actually the most important cause o blindness in underdeveloped countries.'

Mohammadi added that Iran started the program to control the disease a few years ago; the program contained a lot of examination and screening especially in border lines. 

So far, only eight countries have received the certificate of eradicating the disease, and Iran did, too.

The disease can spread through direct contact with infective eye or nose discharges, or through flies. Trachoma is common among children; and due to close contact with infected children, women are blinded far more than men.

On the occasion of receiving the award, Iran is to hold a commemoration ceremony in Tehran Farabi Hospital for those organizations that have had the biggest shares in the success.

Farabi Eye Hospital was founded by the father of modern ophthalmology in Iran, Professor Mohammad Gholi Chams.
