Publish date: Saturday 09 March 2019
view count : 100
create date : Saturday, March 9, 2019 | 11:56 AM
publish date : Saturday, March 9, 2019 | 11:56 AM
update date : Saturday, March 9, 2019 | 11:56 AM

US peace delegation: Sanctions against Iran shameful

  • US peace delegation: Sanctions against Iran shameful
US Sanctions

A group of US peace activists and opposition begged pardon for Washington’s role in imposed war on Iran and sanctions against it.

The 28-member delegation visited Iran and met with foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during their nine-day visit to Iran.

Two members of the team, Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, commented on achievements of the trip in the website of world beyond war. Some sections of the writing reads as follows.

“We just returned from nine days in Iran with a 28-person peace delegation organized by CODE PINK. It is clear that people in Iran want two things; First to be respected as an independent, sovereign nation and second to have peace with the United States without threats of war or economic sanctions seeking to dominate them.

The path to those goals requires the United States to change its policies towards Iran as the US has a long history of interference in Iranian politics with disastrous results. The US must stop its belligerence and engage in honest, respectful dialogue with the government of Iran.

One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to the Tehran Peace Museum. On the way to the Peace Museum, we passed the site of the former US Embassy, now called the “US Den of Espionage Museum.” This was where the US ruled Iran through the Shah until the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The US installed the brutal Shah as a dictator after it worked with Great Britain to overthrow the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 in a coup that was one of the greatest foreign policy mistakes of US history.

At the Peace Museum, our delegation gave the museum books on war and peace activism. One gift was a beautiful, hand-made book by Barbara Briggs-Letson of California that was written in memory of the 289 Iranians killed when a US missile shot down a commercial Iranian airliner in July 1988. The entire Peace Delegation signed the book and made statements of remorse. The book contained the names of every person killed written in Farsi as well as Iranian poetry. Fmr. President George H.W. Bush is infamous for saying, “I will never apologize for the United States--I don’t care what the facts are… I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy,” so our delegation apologized.”
