Publish date: Monday 08 April 2019
view count : 149
create date : Monday, April 8, 2019 | 10:53 AM
publish date : Monday, April 8, 2019 | 10:53 AM
update date : Monday, April 8, 2019 | 10:53 AM

G7 statement contradictory to JCPOA, Europe’ commitments: FM spox

  • G7 statement contradictory to JCPOA, Europe’ commitments: FM spox
Bahram Ghasemi

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Bahram Ghasemi said G7 statement has been issued based on unconstructive accusations and it is clearly contrary to JCPOA and commitments of three European signatories of the deal.

In response to an anti-Iranian statement of G7 ministerial meeting, Ghasemi said, “the Islamic Republic of Iran evaluates the final paragraphs of this statement as unconstructive and totally unilateral and also considers it clearly contradictory to JCPOA and commitments of its European signatories.

The statement is based on false allegations and misrepresentations of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program and also of Iran’s missile program and regional role, he stressed.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has complied with its international commitments and has shown goodwill in its dialogue with the international community, he said, adding that futile efforts to introduce Iran as a threat will not affect the nation’s determination to pursue its national interests in the region and in the world.

Ghasemi regretted that G7 members are being influenced by bullying behavior of Washington are just after satisfying the United States which is only one member of the body.

He condemned the violation of JCPOA by the three European signatories and demanded their clear explanation about this issue, adding, “Iran will pursue this issue using mechanisms available in JCPOA.”

In their statement, G7 members claimed that Iran is carrying out “destabilizing activities in the region, including its continuing support for terrorist organizations and armed militias.” It also voices concern about Iran missile program while Tehran has repeatedly announced that missiles are just a mean for deterrence and not a threat to other states.
