Publish date: Tuesday 09 April 2019
view count : 93
create date : Tuesday, April 9, 2019 | 8:10 AM
publish date : Tuesday, April 9, 2019 | 8:10 AM
update date : Tuesday, April 9, 2019 | 8:10 AM

Red Crescent: US barring international financial aid to flood-hit Iranians

  • Red Crescent: US barring international financial aid to flood-hit Iranians

The Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) announced that Tehran has not been able to receive any foreign financial aid because of Washington’s “inhuman" sanctions against the country.

"No foreign cash donation has been made to the Iranian Red Crescent Society yet and basically there are no financial channels available to do this," the IRCS said in a statement on Sunday.

"Some institutions and countries have expressed their readiness to donate and also declared certain sums of money; but as a result of the inhuman US sanctions, there is no way to send this cash assistance" to Iran, the statement added.

The IRCS emphasized in another part of its statement that despite US officials' claims, Washington's sanctions have caused difficulties in the way of helping people affected by flooding and influenced logistical capacities, particularly air relief.

The IRCS has not been able to buy new aid helicopters due to the unilateral sanctions imposed by the US and is also facing difficulties for buying spare parts to maintain its existing aid helicopter fleet, the statement added.

Unprecedented heavy rains caused floods in various parts of Iran over the past two weeks. Scores of people were killed and injured and a large number were displaced across Iran.

Many world states voiced readiness to help Iran's flood-hit people but the US blocked the Red Cross humanitarian aid from reaching Red Crescent Society.

In an interview with the Arabic-language al-Ahd news website on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi blasted the US for preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the flooded areas in Iran, stressing that Washington should account for related problems posed to the flood-hit people.

"In the recent floods in different parts of Iran which resulted in much damage and killed 70 people, the US has unfortunately adopted measures in violation of all international norms and blocked all accounts of Iran's Red Crescent Society," Qassemi said.

He added that the US has blocked humanitarian aid sent by Iranian expatriates and other countries to the flood-stricken people in Iran.

"The US administration is responsible for the negative impacts of the recent destructive floods in Iran," Qassemi underscored, adding that such actions against humanitarian aid is not acceptable and were unprecedented even during big wars.

In relevant remarks earlier on the day, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami underlined that Washington showed its animosity towards the flood-stricken people in Iran by blocking the Red Cross' humanitarian aid.

"They demonstrated again their malignancy and the depth of their hostility towards the great nation of Islamic Iran and proved that they not only have a problem with the Islamic Republic but also prevent dispatch of the most basic necessary goods to save the flood-stricken people, despite their media propaganda," General Hatami said, addressing the defense ministry personnel in Tehran on Sunday.

He added that the defense ministry would use all its technical, engineering and human resources capacities to help the people damaged by the recent floods.

"We will remain beside the dear people in flood-hit areas actively and effectively until tranquility prevails in the region," General Hatami underscored.

Unprecedented heavy rains caused floods in various parts of Iran over the past two weeks. Scores of people were killed and injured and a large number were displaced across Iran.

Many world states voiced readiness to help Iran's flood-hit people but the US blocked the Red Cross humanitarian aid from reaching Red Crescent Society.

In a post on Twitter on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif slammed US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his untrue statement that Washington is seeking to help the flood-hit people of Iran.

"Real news as @ICRC President noted, Iranian Red Crescent cannot receive any funds due to illegal US sanctions. US should own up to its ECONOMIC TERRORISM," Zarif wrote on his Twitter page.

The Iranian foreign minister categorically dismissed Pompeo's claims that the US is sympathizing with the flood-hit Iranians, and said that Washington should be accountable to its economic terrorism.

"FAKE NEWS: @SecPompeo claim that US 'ready to assist @ifrc, which would direct money through Iranian Red Crescent for relief," Zarif added.
