Home Office refuses to let great-grandparents remain in U
An elderly Iranian couple have been refused leave to remain in Britain, despite having four children, 11 grandchildren and a great-grandchild who are all British citizens.
Sunday، 20 January 2019 - 11:38
Larijani slams US double standards regarding human rights
Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani rebuked the arrest of Marzieh Hashemi, a US-born anchor working for Iran's Press TV, saying such tricky measures prove Washington’s double standards regarding human rights.
Sunday، 20 January 2019 - 11:27
Veep: Iran wants friendly ties with all neighboring countries
Iran’s First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri said on Saturday that Iran wants friendly relations with all neighboring countries.
Sunday، 20 January 2019 - 11:25
Iran sympathizes with families of Mexico pipeline blast victims
Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi in a message on Saturday expressed sympathy with the families of the victims of Mexico pipeline blast.
Sunday، 20 January 2019 - 10:48
France: 'Yellow vests' protest despite Macron's grand debate
France's "Yellow Vests" have taken to the streets for a 10th straight weekend of anti-government protests, despite attempts by President Emmanuel Macron to channel their anger into a series of town hall debates.
Sunday، 20 January 2019 - 10:42
Hashemi’s arrest, a clear violation of ‘human rights’ by US
A deputy at Iran’s Justice Ministry slammed the unlawful arrest of Marzieh Hashemi, a US-born anchor working for Iran's Press TV, saying it is a clear violation of freedom of speech and human rights.
Sunday، 20 January 2019 - 10:25
Iran dismisses allegation of hiring German-Afghan spy
Iran’s Foreign Ministry rejected media reports that Tehran has hired a German-Afghan dual national to spy on the German military, denouncing the accusation as part of a plot to damage the relations between Iran and Europe.
Sunday، 20 January 2019 - 10:21
Bahrain hands down jail terms to 3 dissidents, revokes their citizenship
A court in Bahrain handed down prison sentences to three anti-regime protesters and stripped them of their citizenship as the ruling Al Khalifah regime does not shy away from its heavy clampdown on political dissidents and pro-democracy activists in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom.
Saturday، 19 January 2019 - 14:59
Yemenis tortured in secret Saudi prison in Hadhramout; rights organization
SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties said it has documented torture of detainees at the first military zone prison in Seyun, Southeastern Yemen, under the control of the Saudi forces.
Saturday، 19 January 2019 - 14:58
Israeli rights NGO: 290 Palestinians killed in 2018
Over the course of 2018, Israeli forces killed a total of 290 Palestinians, most of whom had not taken part in any hostilities, an Israeli human rights group reported on Friday.
Saturday، 19 January 2019 - 14:55
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