Publish date: Sunday 31 December 2023
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create date : Sunday, December 31, 2023 | 10:09 AM
publish date : Sunday, December 31, 2023 | 9:04 AM
update date : Wednesday, January 17, 2024 | 5:09 PM

Gharibabadi: Enmity with Iran is caused by the independence and authority of the Islamic Republic

  • Gharibabadi: Enmity with Iran is caused by the independence and authority of the Islamic Republic

The Vice-President of the Judiciary for International Affairs and the Secretary General of the High Council for Human Rights stated: “The Islamic Republic is now in a very good position in regional and international equations, and this amount of enmity with Iran is due to the authority and independence of the Islamic Republic.

HCHR_In the brainstorming meeting for Sistan and Baluchistan issues, which was held in the presence of the governor, the head of justice and the provincial prosecutor, and the governors and mayors of the cities of the province, Kazem Gharibabadi noted: “Human rights are a security and political project for the West. If there human rights exist, why did the claimants of human rights remain silent about the crimes in Gaza, and instead of confronting the brutal Zionist regime, they supported it?!”

He said: “We are against the instrumental and political use of human rights”.

Gharibabadi emphasized: “They refer to our ethnic groups as ethnic minorities, while we do not have ethnic minorities. Today, human rights have become a project to deal with independent countries like the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

He said: “Our policy in the field of human rights inside is based on the protection and promotion of human rights and we must use different capacities in this direction. Supporting and promoting human rights is a principle for us. In this direction, the provincial working group for the protection of people's rights, based in the governorates, will be formed soon to identify various human rights violations and processes that violate people's rights and try to resolve them.”


Referring to Iran's role in regional equations, the of the Vice President of Judiciary also noted: “The Islamic Republic of Iran is currently in a very good position in regional and international equations, and this level of enmity with Iran is due to the authority and independence of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Gharibabadi added: “The Islamic Republic has the first say in the region, and this means the influence of the Islamic Republic due to its high strategic capacities. This strategic influence is also due to Iran's influence on public opinion and positive actions, and it is not with the purpose of intervention, like what the West and the US do.

The Secretary-General of the High Council for Human Rights said: “We have reached a stage in the field of defense capability where we produce almost everything we need in the field of defense. The obvious point of this, is the missile capability that has been achieved without the need of other countries.”

The Vice-President of the Judiciary continued: “On the other hand, we are witnessing the progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran in important and sensitive technologies such as nuclear technology. Nearly two decades ago Iran joined the club of countries with the ability to enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel.”

Gharibabadi emphasized: “Progress has a cost and when Iran reaches this level of progress, the enemies will not stop their plots. Today, the enemies are dissatisfied with the power and capacity of Islamic Republic of Iran and are always planning against this country. The sanctions project is in this direction, and of course they failed in their goals, and although the sanctions put pressure on the people, they did not achieve their goals.”

He also stated: “The enemies also put the terror project on the agenda, so that so far we have 23 thousand terror martyrs. Terrorist groups are active under the support of some Western countries, the Unites States and the European Zionist regime.”

Referring to last year's riots, the Vice-President of the Judiciary noted: “In last year's riots, the enemy's plan was to subvert and they used all their capacity, but the vigilance of the people and relevant institutions thwarted their plots.”


Pointing out that Sistan and Baluchistan province is a development priority, Gharibabadi said: "The system's approach to Sistan and Baluchistan is a completely supportive one. The noble people of this province are the guardians of security. Although the deprivations of the province have been very high since before the revolution, very good measures have also been taken, although more efforts should be made to reduce the gaps.”

In this regard, he quoted the Supreme Leader and the government's plans for the development of the province and said: “The local officials must inform people about the actions taken so far in the province.”

The Secretary-General also stated: “Our existential philosophy is to serve the people. These are the people who have always thwarted the plots of the enemies, have stood by the system and have always supported the system despite the problems.”

In the end, Gharibabadi stressed the need to identify the enemies' conspiracies and their methods, and called national unity as the key to the success of the country and disappointing the enemies, by putting aside ethnic and religious differences and standing together.