Publish date: Thursday 04 April 2024
view count : 84
create date : Saturday, April 13, 2024 | 5:23 PM
publish date : Thursday, April 4, 2024 | 5:17 PM
update date : Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 9:56 AM

Statement of the HCHR of Iran in response to the resolution extending the mandate of the so-called fact-finding mission and human rights rapporteur

  • Statement of the HCHR of Iran in response to the resolution extending the mandate of the so-called fact-finding mission and human rights rapporteur

The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran responded to the adoption of the resolution to extend the mandate of the so-called fact-finding mission and human rights rapporteur by issuing a statement in which it strongly criticized the abuse of international mechanisms by the United States and Western countries who are serious violators of the rights of the Iranian nation and have kept silence when it comes to the killing of innocent women and children in Gaza.

HCHR_Following the extension of the mandate of the so-called fact-finding mission and special rapporteur of Iran, the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran issued a statement which comes as follows:

The international community is experiencing the most severe form of politicization and instrumental abuse by some Western countries such as the US, Germany, England, France, Canada, etc. of international mechanisms in relation to the issue of human rights. Although, in recent decades, such countries have been scrambling to hide their political goals and aspirations under the disguise of human rights, democracy, freedom of expression, rule of law, etc., by exploiting media propaganda, and taking the gesture of the advocates and defenders of human rights,
the public opinion across the world has realized more than ever that the degradation of the status of human rights in the international arena, the spread of terrorism, the occurrence of wars and unrest, and the killing of innocent people in all parts of the world deeply originate from the imposed and political view of such countries on human rights. The staging of widespread protest movements and the expression of disgust of the people of the world against policies such as the promotion of Islamophobia and blasphemy as also their silence and full support of the Zionist regime in committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Palestine in recent months are a more significant manifestation of decline and devaluation of the western view of human rights is the eyes of the public around the world.

It is regrettable that while the Zionist regime has set up an exhibition of crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and racial and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip and the statistics and evidence suggest that more than 104,000 defenseless Palestinian people have been martyred or injured in the past six months and hundreds of thousands of residential, medical, educational, places of worship and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip have been reduced to rubble, Human rights claimants and international human rights mechanisms are silent and support this regime in different ways. Instead of focusing on the situation in the Gaza Strip, these countries try to create fake human rights scenarios in other countries. The extension of the resolution of the so-called fact-finding mission and the renewal of the mandate of the special rapporteur by the western countries and their supporters are exactly in line with this goal

The bitter irony is that the western countries, which by imposing unilateral sanctions and implementing these cruel sanctions in a systematic and extensive manner, have played a major role in seriously violating the rights of Iranians, including women and children, and have committed an unmistakable crime against humanity in this process are trying to present themselves as supporters of the rights of Iranian women and children by extending these politically-motivated mandates. They are the very countries that have provided safe havens to terrorist outfits by granting asylum, conferring upon them immunity and financial and intelligence support while helping them to continue their barbaric, destructive and impunity agendas in various ways. These outfits have had their hands stained with the blood of thousands of Iranian citizens, including women and children. However, in fact, on the one hand, they are trying to distract the public opinion of the world from the tragedies that happened in Gaza, and on the other hand, they are trying to create and strengthen pressure tools to impose political goals and objectives from independent countries like the Islamic Republic of Iran.

As a country that equipped the Saddam regime with chemical weapons of mass destruction, the German government is once again has taken on the role of sponsor of a part of this resolution. As a result of the deployment of such weapons, over thirteen thousand Iranian citizens were martyred while in excess of one hundred thousand people were injured. This is while, according to the reports of international human rights institutions, including the committees overseeing international human rights treaties, this country has a dire situation in various areas of human rights, including women and children. For example, according to the announcement of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the excessive authority of the federal police for the purposes of immigration control and the detention of people in AnKER camps has caused major concerns, while employing mechanical restraints for the arrested persons of patients, persons with disabilities and the elderly has led to human rights violations.

According to the announcement of the committee overseeing economic, social and cultural rights, local workers, especially women migrant workers, have been exploited, and the right to strike for civil servants is not equal to the obligations of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights reported in 2018 that 2.55 million children in Germany (almost 20% of all children) live in poverty. Also, there are problems surrounding the law of discrimination, violation of the fundamental rights of people of African descent and various forms of discrimination in Germany. In this regard, according to the 2017 report of the working group of people of African descent, about 43% of people of African descent in this country are on the threshold of the poverty line. On the other hand, the discrimination between men and women in wages has reached 18% in 2023. In the context of children's rights, the lack of freedom to wear headscarves, practical discrimination against foreign children, problems surrounding inter-country adoption, lack of data on various forms of violence, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, problems in psychiatric institutions, poverty in large, single-parent and foreign families, and the problems surrounding refugee children and street children are the most important concerns that the Committee on the Rights of the Child has acknowledged.

There are also problems in the field of selling, prostitution and pornography of children: lack of definition and sufficient education, problems related to sex tourism, lack of support for child victims and witnesses, lack of nationwide and 24-hour online services for child victims and lack of legal training in human rights and peace education in all curricula have also been pointed out by the Child Rights Committee. Also, in the context of the involvement of children in armed conflicts, the possibility of the presence of asylum-seeking and refugee children in hostilities is the main concern of the committee. Regarding women's rights, insufficient national documents for the advancement of women, the existence of common stereotypes and harmful practices such as FGM and premature marriages, the prevalence of domestic violence against women, human trafficking and sexual exploitation, insufficient education, discrimination in employment and wage gap, the right to health, participation in political and public life, economic empowerment and marriage are among the problems mentioned by the committee. Rural, immigrant and minority women are also subject to severe discrimination. Regarding job discrimination, the gender pension gap was about 53% according to the report of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 2016.

The question that arises is how the German government allowed itself to propose the extension of the resolution of the so-called fact-finding mission, instead of resolving the domestic cases of human rights violations and clearing the dishonor caused by standing by the Zionist regime?!

Another point worth noting is that the so-called fact-finding mission, which was established by a political act to investigate the riots of 2022, fulfilled its real mission, which was actually to repeat and give legitimacy to the unfounded allegations of some anti-Iranian media and Western governments by publishing an undocumented, biased, political report that is lacking any justified legal basis and presenting the same to the 55th session of the Human Rights Council. The question that is raised here is what are the purpose and the real motive behind the efforts of a few Western countries to extend this mandate?! Is it other than that these countries are seeking to maintain this instrument of political pressure against the Islamic Republic of Iran?!

This political game was devised and played when the Islamic Republic of Iran was taking extensive security and responsible measures in relation to the disturbances of 2022, and the report of these measures by the special committee regarding the unrest of 2022 was presented to the honorable President of the Islamic Republic Iran. A summary of this report was published for the noble people of Iran on March 17, 2024. In its findings, the special committee confirmed the adoption of responsible and protective measures of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the riots of 2022 and announced that” In general, the results of the special committee's investigation confirm that the relevant government institutions, including the law enforcement and security agencies and the judicial system of the Islamic Republic, acted responsibly in the face of the unrest of 2022. Issuing urgent, timely and decisive instructions for law enforcement and security agencies to control riots with the least amount of resorting to force and based on self-restraint, fielding trained forces and acting based on a code of conduct, the judicial system's efforts to minimize the number of cases, widespread amnesty of the accused and convicts related to the 2022 riots within the framework of the Supreme Leader's amnesty decree, handling public complaints regarding the behavior of law enforcement officers and judicial officers during the riots, dealing with offenders due to negligence or fault, payment of financial damages and blood money to the survivors and heirs of the deceased, payment of damages to the injured, payment of medical expenses of the injured, payment to the victims of the unrest of 2022 out of the Treasury of Justice Department, payment of damages by Faraja to people and employees, as well compensation of damage sustained by public and private caused by unrest in the country's provinces are manifestations of this responsibility. The investigations of the Special Committee reveal that despite some few violations committed by some law enforcement forces, these violations don’t reflect in any way or manner the principled behavior of the government and were caused by the behavior of an individual. In addition, there has been the necessary will to deal with such infractions in law enforcement and judicial institutions”.

By way of conclusion, it is worth noting that since the Islamic Republic of Iran has implemented all protective and responsibility-based measures regarding the 2022 riots, and that the protection and promotion of human rights is one of its basic principles, in accordance with the Constitution and the religion of Islam, it considers the extension of the mandate of the so-called fact-finding mission and special rapporteurs, which was created in a political process, is illegitimate and lacks a justified legal basis and declares clearly that this process will lead to the politicization of human rights and the ineffectiveness of international human rights mechanisms and arrangements. It goes without saying that the appointment of a special rapporteur for Iran is a political product of the non-democratic country of the Kingdom of England, the same country that is plagued by serious human rights violations, has always intervened (before and after the Islamic Revolution) in Iran's internal affairs, has become a safe haven for terrorists who act against the Iranian nation and has endangered the lives of millions of Iranians by imposing cruel sanctions!