Publish date: Tuesday 20 November 2018
view count : 73
create date : Tuesday, November 20, 2018 | 2:01 PM
publish date : Tuesday, November 20, 2018 | 2:01 PM
update date : Tuesday, November 20, 2018 | 2:01 PM

High Council for Human Rights statement on condemnation of recent human rights resolution against Iran

  • High Council for Human Rights statement on condemnation of recent human rights resolution against Iran

The High Council for Human Rights has issued a statement which condemns the recent human rights resolution against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The statement reads as follows:

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns the statement on the situation of human rights in Iran issued on the 73rd meeting of the UN General Assembly’s third committee. This statement has been issued by states that commit grave breaches of human rights and follow their political goals and it is actually based on a discriminatory approach which does not consider the existing facts in Iran at all.

It is surprising that in spite of many existing serious issues which threaten the lives of millions of human beings, a statement is issued by a UN body without any proportion to the present situation of the world and with scandalous tendencies on the situation of human rights in Iran which is the greatest democracy in western Asia and during the past four decades has changed the country from a corrupt dictatorship dependent on the US and its European allies to the most crucial and most developed country in scientific, technical and civil scopes in the region.

Simultaneous with this offensive statement against Iran, the US and its European allies along with the Zionist regime and the corrupt Saudi regime are backing and conducting the most violent terrorist groups such as ISIS. These countries have also become a safe haven for different terrorist groups like MKO which has committed many crimes and is clearly supported by the White House while Iran on the one hand is a victim of the terrorist acts committed by the mentioned groups and on the other hand has the brightest and most honorable successful background in fighting with domestic terrorism and also terrorism in western Asia.

In fact, the US, Britain, France and their puppets like the Saudi regime commit war crimes in Yemen, Syria and Afghanistan obviously, and then Iran is condemned instead. Actually, they are trying desperately to conceal the scandals they have caused.

The US and its regional stooges have faced a total failure in Yemen and the oppressed Yemeni nation has defeated these enemies of human dignity with their bare hands. However, the crimes they have committed in Yemen are so serious that will always remain in the history of imperialist aggression and the UN, due to the US and the Zionist west’s lobbying has become so useless that it cannot even announce its stance against these enemies of humanity.

The Islamic Republic of Iran which is the cradle of ethnic and religious diversity is condemned at the time when racism, discrimination, Islamophobia and violence have spread all over the US and Europe and political leaders affirm these humane scandals honorably!

Those who have caused this unwelcome and indecent act in the UN especially Canada should take a look at their own dark human rights background and then express their opinions! The Canadian government cannot conceal the surprisingly high rate of violence against women which has also been confirmed by the special rapporteur for women in 2018. The grave crimes committed by the Canadian government against millions of native inhabitants will never be forgotten! Who is responsible for the vast genocide committed against natives, coerced castration, compulsory separation of children from their parents, spread of addiction to narcotics in order to deactivate the native population, etc? All of these crimes have been documented worldwide.

Why does the Canadian government reject any request with respect to the UN official examination of this case? Besides, Canada is an accomplice of the US and the Zionist west to their crimes committed in western Asia and through supplying armaments and it practically backs up aggression in the region and supports oppression in countries like Bahrain.

From the Islamic Republic of Iran’s point of view, the third committee is a clear symptom of the chronicle disease of uselessness which indicates that this important international body is used for feeding the greedy Zionist west led by the US and its European and regional allies. What needs to be pursued is the rescue of the UN from this unfortunate situation.

Islamic Republic of Iran is the flag-bearer and the real defendant of human dignity in all the aspects of the civil life; its persistent efforts and cooperation are meant to fight fatal deviations and hypocrisy of the United States and its allies, as well as posing serious and vital questions in order to defend human rights on the international stage.

The Islamic Republic of Iran calls for the concerned states and originations to join this international movement.
