Publish date: Tuesday 26 February 2019
view count : 95
create date : Tuesday, February 26, 2019 | 8:42 AM
publish date : Tuesday, February 26, 2019 | 8:42 AM
update date : Tuesday, February 26, 2019 | 8:42 AM

S Leader: Iran takes pride in helping Syrian gov't, people

  • S Leader: Iran takes pride in helping Syrian gov't, people
Syrian President

President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that Iran will stand beside the Syrian government and nation as in the past, noting that Tehran-Damascus relations are based on brotherhood and unity.

In a meeting with the Syrian President Bashar Bashar al-Assad on Monday, the Supreme Leader added that the key to Syria’s success and defeat of the US and its regional agents is perseverance of the country’s president and people.

He also cautioned the Syrian people and government about the enemies' future conspiracies.

Referring to Iran’s sincere support for the Syrian people and government from the very beginning of the crisis, Ayatollah Khamenei maintained, “Syria, through public resistance, managed to withstand a big coalition of the US and allies in the region and gain victory.” 

Noting that triumph of the resistance movement in Syria has made the Americans angry, he said, “The issue of de-escalation zone is one the most dangerous plots that should be rejected categorically and stand against.”

Americans’ plans for effective presence on the Iraq and Syria borders are other examples of their plots, he said, noting that Iran and Syria are each other’s strategic partners and identity and strength of the resistance movement depends on the continued and strategic communications.

Calling for further visits between the Iranian and Syrian scholars, Supreme Leader stressed the need for promoting spirit of resistance of the Syrian people.

“Your Excellency showed resistance and turned into champion of Arab world, as the regional resistance achieved further strength and popularity by means of you,” the leader said.

“Islamic Republic of Iran will stand alongside of the Syrian nation, as it knows this assistance to resistance movement and takes pride in it from depth of heart,” said Ayatollah Khamenei.

President Assad, for his part, appreciated Iran for its incessant supports to his county, saying that Syria war was similar to the eight-year imposed war on Iran.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran stood alongside us sacrificially,” he said.

Iran and Syria boast of identity and ideology and today’s achievements have been attained through standing alongside the resistance movement, he said.

“Some countries though that it is the US which determines destiny and future of the world, but through the strong peoples’ resistance, the idea collapsed,” President Assad said.

Referring to the US and its allies’ divisive attempts among the Syrian ethnic groups and religions, he said that the efforts had boomerang effects, as Kurds and tribesmen have good ties with the Syrian government.
