Publish date: Saturday 08 June 2019
view count : 114
create date : Saturday, June 8, 2019 | 8:16 AM
publish date : Saturday, June 8, 2019 | 8:16 AM
update date : Saturday, June 8, 2019 | 8:16 AM

Zarif says Iran’s missiles not designed for nukes

  • Zarif says Iran’s missiles not designed for nukes

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, referring to the US pouring arms for killing Yemeni people, said Iran’s missileds are not designed for nukes.

“The US—which violated UNSCR 2231 in withdrawing from JCPOA—or its allies (in violation of its provision on normalizing economic relations w/Iran) are in no position to push a conceited interpretation of its missile provision while pouring weapons into hands that kill Yemenis, “ Zarif wrote in his Twitter account.

He added: “Contrary to @SecPompeo's claim, 
a. UNSC 2231:  "Iran is CALLED UPON" not prohibited;
b. "not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles DESIGNED to be capable of delivering NUCLEAR weapons.”  Our missiles are not “designed" for nukes, which we’re not developing.”

Earlier Zarif in a message called for the evil cycle that are perpetrating war crimes in Yemen.

"Western publics & legislatures demand an end to humanitarian disaster that is the Saudi-Emirati war on Yemen. But their governments provide ever more weapons used to perpetrate war crimes. Time & again our offers of political way out have been rebuffed. This evil cycle must stop," he said.

Meanwhile earlier, Iranian Ambassador to London said Iran missile program is not the only one in the region, adding that the US, Israel and their allies' concerns is are due to Iran's high deterrent power.

Iran missile program has made more difficult the possibility of designing war programs and military threats against Iran, Hamid Baeidinejad said in an Instagram post.   

Information from missile programs in the regional countries indicates the fact that, unlike the propaganda campaigns promoted against Iran's missile program, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, and even the UAE have devised large-scale missile programs in collaboration with other countries for decades and produced missiles with very high ranges.

He added that since Iran-Iraq imposed war, Saudi Arabia has been developing four or five missile submarines under the management of the strategic missile forces by purchasing technology of Chinese rocket, Dong Feng.

In addition to short-range missiles of up to 1,000 kilometers, Saudi Arabia also has a variety of mid-range ballistic missiles.

He noted that Israel has designed and implemented a large-scale missile program to support its nuclear program and conventional weapons program.

Baeidinejad reiterated that the Jericho III ballistic missile has a range of thousands of kilometers that can target the regional countries.

Egypt, also since decades before its Former President  Gamal Abdel Nasser’s era, with the help of European countries and then under the support of the Soviet Union, and later China and North Korea, designed and implemented many missile programs that produce several types of ballistic missiles, Iranian diplomat said.
