Publish date: Wednesday 02 September 2020
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create date : Wednesday, September 2, 2020 | 11:27 AM
publish date : Wednesday, September 2, 2020 | 11:27 AM
update date : Wednesday, September 2, 2020 | 11:27 AM

Statement HCHR on the national Day of Fight against Terrorism

  • Statement HCHR on the national Day of Fight against Terrorism
High Council for Human Rights

The Statement of the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the national Day of Fight against Terrorism read as follows:

The coincidence of the 29th of August with the 9th of Muharram this year, is a reminder of the fact that creating fear and panic among the people and legitimizing any inhumane action to achieve power, is the shared feature of the commanders and perpetrators of the 1981 explosion of Iran’s Prime Minister's Office and the commanders and perpetrators of the crime against Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his household in 680 in Karbala. Iran’s national Day of Fight against Terrorism is a chance to analyze the true nature of “terrorism”.

We are at a time when the claimant of removing God from the realm of human individual and social life, has become the leader of global politics, economics, science, and culture, seeking to build global security on the basis of its illegitimate interests and extravagant policies through using tools of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons and also “veto” powers in the Security Council as well as  imposing its illegal monopoly on various areas of international system such as science and media. Any ideology that seeks to protect its humane, religious and national identity and resists the violation of its political, economic and cultural independence, will be accused of disrupting global security and disturbing international order.

Thus, the world is witnessing that over the past few decades, the illegitimate interests of a bullying arrogant minority led by the US regime have been introduced as a criterion to determine the security and insecurity.

In the context of this arrogant approach, the heroic confrontation of the Palestinian nation against the Zionist occupation, the defense of oppressed Yemeni nation against the Saudi aggression, and the courageous defense (Jihad) of the “Islamic Resistance” against the Zionist aggression and Takfiri’s atrocities in Lebanon and Syria, are all considered as terrorism, since they are against the illegitimate interests of the US regime in the West Asian region, disrupting their domination mechanisms.

Therefore, what matters to Western governments, and especially to the United States, is not the lives of the innocent people and homeless women and children as the illegitimate interests of these governments are considered to be the criteria of being a terrorist. However, Islamic Republic of Iran believes the prohibition of any kind of domination is the duty of all international actors and denying any tyranny along with the right to self-determination and maintaining full independence are basic, obvious and undeniable rights of all nations.

Therefore, any policy, strategy or action that leads to disruption of independence and damage to the humane, religious and national identity of nations, should be considered as an element of insecurity and anyone who deprives nations of their rights by creating fear and panic among the people and imposing violence and pressure against them-, in order to secure its own illegitimate interests,- is considered a clear example of terrorism.

The support of some western governments for terrorist groups such as MKO and allowing their free activity in European countries and the United States means Washington and Europe are their abettor in in the killing of more than 17,000 Iranians; moreover, preventing free economic activity and free international trade for Iran and the imposition of comprehensive sanctions on various economic, industrial, military, scientific, media, and even medical and pharmaceutical fields against Iran are certainly examples of state terrorism by the US regime and other countries that accompany it in practice, so that they can prevent the Iranian nation from pursuing their rights by creating panic and pressure.

Expressing its devotion to the dignity of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and paying tribute to the holy status of Abul-Fazl al-Abbas and peace for all the martyrs of Karbala who are symbols of freedom and liberty, in respect of all martyrs of terrorist incidents in particular martyrs of the explosion of the Prime Minister's Office in 1981 and in commemoration of the 29th August (8th of Shahrivar), the "National Day of Fight against Terrorism", The High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes the following points:

  1. According to the divine tradition, the dimming of the light of faith and the decline of righteous deeds creates an insecure society. Hence, a lasting strategy to get rid of all insecurities, including terrorism, is deepening the foundations of faith, and promoting examples of individual and social righteous action.
  2. The support of the US regime and Western governments for terrorists and terrorist movements around the world, has challenged their claims in the fight against terrorism, and their behavior as well as their words about terrorism and terrorists has proved the Western instrumental view of the phenomenon of terrorism.
  3. The actions of the US regime and Western governments in supporting terrorist movements are a major cause of global insecurity, and their responsibility for the past and present crimes of these groups is unquestionable. It is needed that theses governments are held responsible by national and international legal authorities.
  4. The nations of the world, including American people, are the main victims of the assassination-based policies of the US regime and its support for terrorism. Its illegal military presence in many parts of the world, including West Asia, is the major factor in increasing tensions and growing phenomenon of terrorism. US inhumane and terrorist actions in the region, including the assassination of General Soleimani in Iraq and threatening the Iranian airliner over the Syrian territory, show that terrorism is not just a tactic of the US regime to pursue its illegitimate interests, but it is a part of the nature of this tyrant and law-breaking regime and one of the main pillars of its foreign policy.
  5. The “terrorism-breeding” and “terrorism-laundering” approach of the US regime are serious threats to international peace and security. Therefore, a serious confrontation with the terrorist policies and actions of the US regime and the fight against the phenomena of “terrorism-breeding” and “terrorism-laundering” of this regime is necessary for the eradication of terrorism in the world.
  6. Since the effectiveness of the Islamic Resistance Movement in the face of foreign occupation and aggression has been the main factor in the failure of the US in reaching their illegitimate interests in the region, they tried to delegitimize the Resistance Movement by labeling it as terrorist and thereforeto remove the main obstacle to achieve their illegitimate goals. However, the success of the Resistance Movement in combat with Takfiri terrorism in Syria and Lebanon and the overthrow of the self-proclaimed ISIS government in Iraq challenged the Western claims regarding the fight against terrorism in global public opinion, especially the people of Europe and the US.
  7. The imposition of illegal sanctions by the US regime and the behavior of its allies in enforcing these sanctions, which have disrupted the economy and trade of independent nations including the Islamic Republic of Iran, is a new manifestation of modern state terrorismHence, independent states need to work together to codify international regulations to combat this violent and inhumane manifestation of terrorism.