Publish date: Saturday 02 January 2021
view count : 878
create date : Saturday, January 2, 2021 | 12:33 PM
publish date : Saturday, January 2, 2021 | 12:32 PM
update date : Monday, January 4, 2021 | 9:31 AM

HR official: in Gen. Soleimani's School, war is not welcomed but aggressors are expelled to hell

  • HR official: in Gen. Soleimani's School, war is not welcomed but aggressors are expelled to hell

Ali Bagheri called two prominent elements of General Soleimani’s personality as "sincerity" and commitment to "Velayat-E Faqih" and said: "in the school of Haj Qasim, war is not welcomed, but aggressors are expelled to hell."

On a TV interview broadcast by IRIB on Saturday morning, the Secretary of High Council for Human Rights said that the “Haj Qasem School” is comprised of General Soleimani’s personality elements, mentioning that focusing on the personal characteristics of General Soleimani without considering his personality elements, provides an incomplete picture of him.


Bagheri also said that what transforms the character of General Soleimani into the school of Haj Qasim is the obvious manifestation of the two elements of "sincerity" and "commitment to Velayat-E Faqih" in his existence and his practical commitment to these two elements.


Stressing that "sincerity in action" and "practical commitment to Velayat-E Faqih " are the two basic pillars of the Soleimani School, and without these two, nothing will remain of this school, he said that it was Soleimani's practical sincerity that made him not to try to be noticed, and on the contrary, he always avoided presenting himself.


The Deputy of International Affairs to the Judiciary acknowledged that General Soleimani did not prove "being popular" by appearing in the media, but he did it by not using the public treasury personally and he proved his popularity by his practical commitment to the people's grief and by avoiding indulgences.


“Soleimani School provides an efficient and effective model of personal and governmental lifestyle of the true executors of the Islamic System”, Bagheri reminded.


"Compromise with enemies" is unknown to Hajj Qasim's school, Bagheri said. It is not possible to promote compromise with the enemies and to follow the school of Haj Qasim at the same time.

"Hajj Qasim's policy along with the resistance complemented and stabilized the resistance, while some persons are trying to introduce Hajj Qasim's policy as an alternative to the resistance."


The Secretary of High Council for Human Rights pointed out that in the Hajj Qasim School, there is no special line for government officials, but they, just like other people are behind the red light of using the public treasury personally.


According to Bagheri, in the Hajj Qasim School, "the responsibilities of the executors of the Islamic System" precede their rights."


He also pointed out that in the Hajj Qasim School, performance reports by government officials have no place, but what is important is achieving results and also in this school, war is not welcomed, but the aggressors are sent directly to hell.


In conclusion, with respect to General Soleimani’s battles, the human rights chief said that during the four decades of Hajj Qasim's holy Jihad, the concept of aggression has no place and the entire period of  his Jihad can be seen only in the context of holy defense , of course active and deterrent defense, not passive and backward defense.
