Publish date: Tuesday 13 April 2021
view count : 262
create date : Tuesday, April 13, 2021 | 9:30 AM
publish date : Tuesday, April 13, 2021 | 9:29 AM
update date : Tuesday, April 13, 2021 | 9:30 AM

Iran condemns EU sanctions against 8 Iranian officials

  • Iran condemns EU sanctions against 8 Iranian officials

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh here on Monday strongly condemned European Union’s new sanctions against eight Iranian officials accusing them of human rights breachings.

Khatibzadeh said that undoubtedly such acts by the self-claimed, phony preachers of the human rights are politically motivated.

He said these people are the same ones who remained silent in face of grave breaches of the human rights because of the inhumane and illegal US sanctions and sufficed themselves to expressing regret while actually they harmonized with them.

Therefore, such new sanctions are not only null and void, but also more than ever before defame those who take disadvantage of such exalted contexts as the human rights, he added.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in reaction to the latest EU sanctions, suspends its entire ongoing negotiations with the EU, including those on human rights, and the entire resulting cooperation of those talks, especially on terrorism, narcotic drugs, and refugees, added Khatibzadeh.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman meanwhile announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran is studying counter-sanctions moves against the EU, which will be declared later on.

According to IRNA, the EU on Monday issued a communique in which it announced eight Iranian officials and three foundations have been added to the list of human rights sanctions.

The communique, a copy of which is published in the EU website, indicates that these sanctions are related to the unrests in October, 2020 and its aftermaths in Iran, which were in reaction to raising the gas prices, that were approved by the heads of the three branches of power agreement, put in effect on early morning hours of Friday, October 15, 2020 that led to demonstrations in many Iranian cities.
