In the Name of God the Compassionate the Merciful
Dr. Naser Seraj is the Vice President for International Affairs of the Judiciary and the Secretary General of the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He was born in 1959 and holds a master's degree and a doctorate in law.
The most important professional backgrounds:
1. The Assistant Prosecutor of Tehran Prosecutor's Office
2. The Investigator of Tehran Prosecutor's Office
3. The Deputy Prosecutor of Tehran and Head of District 11 of Tehran Prosecutor's Office
4. Head of Supervision Affairs of Tehran Prosecutor's Office
5. Head of Branch 1417 of the Government Employees Prosecutor's Office
6. Deputy Chief Justice of the Province and Head of the Judicial and Criminal Complex of Mehrabad Airport
7. Head of the Criminal Courts of Tehran Province
8. Head of the Court of Appeals (Branch 72)
9. Deputy Member of the Supreme Court
10. The Deputy of Attorney General's Office
11. The Head of the General Inspectorate of the Country
12. The Advisor to the Head of the Judiciary while maintaining the position of Military Prosecutor of Tehran Province
13. Political Deputy to the Head of the Judiciary
Dr. Seraj, known as Judge Seraj, entered the Judiciary in 1979 as an assistant prosecutor and investigator, and has held 23 judicial positions over a period of more than 40 years. His professional record includes judging important cases, including the three trillion Rial corruption case.